The Block 2019 Week 6 Reveal
With their trademark attention to detail, Mitch and Mark are raising the bar on pool house glamour for St Kilda.
The design-savvy couple opts for the new Kinsman cabinetry design, Oxley Supa Ultra White, superbly finished with the latest Oxley Titan Metallic finish by Kinsman. The perfect complement to the industrial patinas of the Caesarstone® Excava™ surfaces that flow throughout their glamorous Palm Springs theme.
Embracing the open-shelving trend, Mitch and Mark add beautifully styled and striking 2020 Black Alumin framing with broadline glass shelves in keeping with the black-framed windows featured throughout the house.
Incorporating an integrated fridge, Bosch appliances and Marq integrated cabinetry handles; the kitchen offers everything an entertainer needs in a convenient location plus plenty of storage.
Compact and bijou it may be, but it certainly ticks all of the boxes from style to functionality!
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